We just need your email address and for you to create a password for your Ticketbud account. That’s it! You then have complete access to Ticketbud’s services.
No credit card details needed to start using Ticketbud
No contracts! You can stop using Ticketbud at any time (but you won’t want to)
Free registration only events are completely free
If you’re selling tickets we ask you to choose a payment provider, so you can receive your funds. Ticketbud integrates with Stripe and PayPal. Get started for free – Create an event
What is Ticketbud’s pricing structure?
Paid events are free for event organizers. A small ticketing fee is passed on to ticket buyers when they purchase. Free events are always free.
Our ticketing fee is 2% of the ticket price + 0.99c per ticket The payment processor fee (for your chosen provider) is then added. Our recommended provider charges 2.9%
No pricing plans, subscriptions or tiers of access
Get full access to features, tools and customer support
We do offer a discounted rate to non-profits
If you prefer to absorb the fees as the organizer, you can also choose to do that.
Some ticketing providers charge a subscription fee or tiered packages with various features available at each level. Be aware of having to pay more for certain features or customer service. Ticketbud gives you access to all features and customer support for the one flat rate.
Do attendees have to create an account to register or purchase tickets?
No, your attendees don’t need a Ticketbud account to get tickets.
Our goal is a frictionless buying experience, so we don’t create barriers to purchase for you. Ticket buying conversion rates drop when an attendee is required to register for an account prior to purchasing a ticket. Ticketing platforms requiring ticket buyers to create an account are generally doing this for their own data harvesting, to remarket to your attendees.
What's Included
Does Ticketbud offer early payouts for events?
Yes! Ticketbud offers daily, weekly and monthly payout options.
Early access to your funds before your event can help cover significant upfront costs (promotion, venue hire, entertainment, catering etc). Some ticketing companies hold on to your ticket revenue until well after your event. With Ticketbud you don’t wait to get paid!
Is a free event website included?
Yes! We make it quick and easy to set up an event webpage that you can sell tickets from. No technical expertise required.
Customize your event page for your brand. Include event details, images, videos, maps, sponsor logos and social sharing options.
We also have a ticket widget you can use to easily insert our ticketing directly onto your own website.
Is customer support included?
Yes! Real human customer support is included for all Ticketbud customers, at no extra cost. We’re here to help every step of the way, by phone, email and chat.
Some providers charge a premium for customer support. If you’re new to online ticketing you want to have a real person you can talk to if you need help. Our customers also have access to our help center and ticketbud tutorials.
Is the site mobile optimized?
Yes! Ticketbud is mobile optimized from from the event page though to the checkout experience.
Most people are looking at events on their mobile devices. Ticketbud maximizes conversion rates with a mobile optimized interface from event page through to checkout. Integrations with one click payment options such as Apple Pay and Google Pay also create a smooth checkout experience for ticket buyers.
What event reporting does Ticketbud offer?
Real-time comprehensive reporting where you own all your data!
With Ticketbud you get real-time event tracking, with complete access to ticket sales and attendee information. Ticketbud allows you to generate a range of customizable reports for easy reconciliation and accounting.
Reporting options include sales by ticket or all tickets, sales by transaction, sales maps, on the door sales with point of sale breakdown, scans by hour and scans by user.
Features & Tools
What are Ticketbud’s attendee check-in options?
Our free mobile apps make it easy to scan tickets or check-in attendees by name. Powerful scanning hardware is available for festivals and large events, as well as mobile point of sale for on the door ticket sales. For online events you can send an access link to your virtual platform of choice after people have registered for tickets.
Does Ticketbud offer tools to help promote my event?
Yes! Ticketbud has a range of inbuilt promotional, tracking and communication tools to help with your event marketing.
Tools at your fingertips include customizable event and organization pages, social share buttons, Facebook pixel and Google Analytics integration, promotional widgets to embed tickets directly onto your website, custom link tracking, referral and promotional codes, and the ability to send targeted email invitations from within the platform.
Does Ticketbud have in-built tools to communicate with attendees?
Yes! You can communicate with attendees directly from the Ticketbud platform in a variety of ways. Our engagement tools can facilitate communication, help nurture attendees, and manage attendee lists for follow up. This includes:
Email invitations to your event
Communicate with all attendees, individuals or groups
Send targeted custom messages to attendees holding a specific ticket type
Send post event surveys
Is it easy to manage multiple events or multi-day events?
Yes! Ticketbud can help you manage events for multiple organizations, brands or groups. You can also create pages for multi-day events.
Beneficial for cross promotional opportunities.
Create a custom branded link (vanity URL) for your organization landing page.
With your Ticketbud account you can create multiple organizations with events that sit under that organization. If your organization or brand runs multiple events or has events that span multiple days, a showcase landing page can be a great way to present your events on one branded page. This also gives the ability to toggle between event tiles and an interactive calendar view.
YES! We offer reserved seating for theaters and stadiums, as well as custom event layouts with tabled seating or sections. Our interactive mapping feature allows attendees to select their seat from your event map. Learn more about our reserved seating.
Does Ticketbud have collaboration features with administration access levels?
Yes! Ticketbud allows you to customize collaboration access and offers unlimited collaborators.
The ability to set administrative access levels for event collaboration is highly valuable. This allows departments and team members to access the information they need, relevant to their role or the event they’re working on, without giving unnecessary access. You may want to restrict access to financials, or you may have volunteers that simply need access for check-in scanning. We have you covered with this functionality.
What if I need a feature that I don’t see listed on your website?
If you are looking for a specific feature or tool for your event, reach out to us on our contact page to let us know. We’re continually adding new features and the one you need might be on the way. We can also work with organizations to custom build features to fit their requirements.
What data security is provided?
Ticketbud provides a secure platform for event organizers and your attendees.
Ticketbud’s ticketing platform is served over SSL, meaning you can be sure that all data transferred is secure. SSL is a type of encryption protocol that secures data between browsers and servers so it can’t be intercepted. This prevents hackers from reading customer information. SSL certificates create a safer website experience for businesses and customers.
Ticketbuds payment processing uses the very latest PCI DSS card-security standards. We are also GDPR compliant.
Ticketbud customers can also use single sign-on (SSO), a session and user authentication service that permits a user to use one set of login credentials, logging in with a single ID to multiple software systems.
Unlike competitors, Ticketbud ensures you have complete ownership and access to your ticketing and attendee data. We do not charge more for it and we don’t sell it to anyone else. We also don’t promote other events on our platform to your customers.
Does Ticketbud charge more for multiple ticket types?
No! Ticketbud gives you the ability to create unlimited ticket types, with no additional cost. This helps you create great ticket programming to sell more tickets.
Buying behaviour trends show that ticket programming with multiple ticket types is the key to jumpstarting and maximizing ticket sales. Be aware of providers that charge more for multiple ticket types.
With unlimited ticket types you can create early bird sales, exclusive VIP experiences, group packages, tiered pricing, family passes, food and beverage packages, event merchandise, donations, complementary and sponsor tickets.
Does Ticketbud offer promotional discount and access code functionality?
Yes! Easily create promotional discount and access codes for your tickets. Offer special promotional prices to certain members or target audiences with exclusive offers.
Ticketbud’s discount code functionality applies a percentage or dollar amount discount to an existing ticket type for people with a promotional code.
Our access code functionality reveals a hidden ticket type, only visible to those with the code. This is useful for ticket types you don’t want everyone to see (ideal for partner or sponsor tickets).
Can I create custom questions to ask attendees?
Yes! Create custom questions that you ask all attendees or questions for specific ticket types.
This allows you to gather information from attendees before your event such as dietary requirements, sign-ups for break-out sessions, t-shirt size, or feedback on how they heard about your event.
Does Ticketbud offer customizable ticket layouts?
Yes! Ticketbud gives you the flexibility to create your own custom ticket layout.
You can upload any design to fit our template, embed a schedule of events on the bottom of your printed tickets or sponsor information and coupons. You can also customize the ticket design for different ticket types. A parking ticket might include a parking map for example.
Can event tickets be shown in calendar view?
Yes! Your event tickets can be presented as a calendar where attendees select a specific day/time for their ticket.
A booking calendar is perfect for multi-day/time events or sessions. It makes it easy for registrants or ticket buyers to select a specific date and time. Ticketbud also makes it easy for you to embed this calendar on your own website in addition to your free ticketbud landing page.
Can offline or cash sales be recorded on Ticketbud?
Yes! To keep your data in one place for accurate reporting, we give you the ability to record any offline sales for your event.
Ticketbud has an offline tickets function that allows you to record sales from tickets processed offline. When it comes to reconciling ticket sales, it is important to have accurate information on hand. This is also handy when sponsors would like to send in a check to avoid paying processing fees. Ticketbud offers offline cash/check account management.
What's Extra
Does Ticketbud offer custom branded or white label solutions?
Yes! Ticketbud event pages give you a fair amount of flexibility for custom branding. However if you are looking for additional customization or a complete white-label solution please reach out to us to discuss. We are always open to custom requests including a highly branded customer experience. A fully-branded white-label would require an additional upfront development cost.
If you didn’t find an answer to your question above shoot us a message and we’ll get back to you.