Ticketbud Tips and Tools*
April 26, 2012  •  by Jane Carter

How to Use Pinterest to Sell Tickets to Your Event!

online event ticketing[/caption] Pinterest has experienced exponential growth in the past year. With the clutter and craziness of other social media sites, Pinterest allows you to “pin” your favorite things into separate “boards.” Because of its visual appeal and collaborative nature, Pinterest is a perfect site that companies can utilize in order to better brand themselves.  With a user base that ranges from President Obama to Yoko Ono and topics that array from fashion to infographics, the possibilities of Pinterest are endless. So how do you use this massive social media forum to create a relationship with your audience? Whether you’re a Fortune 500 company or a local startup like Ticketbud, there are some things you should keep in mind before pinning away. Here are some important tips in order to successfully jumpstart your company on Pinterest.   [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="191" caption="Pinterest Infographics"]using pinterest for event ticketing[/caption]   1. Personify your brand and events In everything you do (uploading, repinning, liking, following), keep your company’s brand image in mind. While you’re representing your company on Pinterest, become your brand. Think like your brand. Act like your brand. Separate your personal Pinterest account from your company’s, and remember that every action affects your company’s reputation. With such a visually stimulating and collaborative social media site, this is a chance for your company to be personable and show people the dynamics of your brand. Use this power to the fullest, and build a personality that will resonate with users. If you have an upcoming event, create a board to promote that event. Create and follow a common theme to unify the board and get people talking about it. 2. Be relevant. Post, like, and repin things that make sense for your company’s mission, products, services, or personality. For example, if you create a board about your upcoming concert event, post pictures related to your artist, music genre, or venue. Although tempting, it may not make much sense to post that cute picture of a corgi on a skateboard. Unless that corgi on a skateboard is also playing an electric guitar. Build your boards with relevance and image in mind. 3. Do your research. A good chunk of Pinterest users are 18 to 34-year-old upper income women. Although this may not be the target demographic of your company or event, cater your posts to the majority of Pinterest users. Know who you’re talking to, and who you want to reach. Once you get a good amount of followers, research the type of people they are: what they do, what they like, what they pin and don’t pin. People also tend to spend a short amount of time on Pinterest compared to other social media sites, and an even shorter amount of time on each pin or board. Make sure you’re catering to your demographics and their behaviors. 4. Make it shareable. With Pinterest being so visual by nature, no one will click on your post or follow your boards if your pins are ordinary. Especially when you’re promoting events online and trying to sell tickets, pin things that people will want to share with their friends.This will create more buzz and get the word out there for your event in a fun and interactive way. Pinterest is all about creating a fantasy world, and that means one with lots of colorful, quality photos. You want users to follow your company’s account and repin your posts, all while making an impression. Grainy or hard-to-look-at photos won’t cut it. Catch their eyes first, then catch their attention to share your company’s message. 5. Make it appealing Besides making the photos you pin appealing, make the words appealing as well. Draw followers in with catchy board names and pin captions. The key is to be clever but quick. Stand out amongst the millions of other boards by offering something unique. While promoting events, make your boards and pins stand out. And remember, let your personality shine through everything you do.   Ticketbud is an online ticketing service that lets organizations and companies host events for one flat fee. As a company that values social media and audience interaction Ticketbud has recently created a presence on Pinterest. Look out for our latest boards on tasty treats for your functions, fashion trends for our favorite events, favorite spots in Austin, and more!   Happy pinning!   Article inspiration courtesy of: http://www.inc.com/john-brandon/9-tips-boost-your-business-pinterest.html]]]]> ]]>