Event Marketing
September 4, 2013  •  by Jane Carter

Why Your #Event Needs A Hashtag

If you don’t use social media much or just never gave it a chance in the first place, then you’re probably wondering what a “hashtag” is. Have no fear, I’m here to help you! The # symbol, called a hashtag, is basically used to mark keywords or topics when you’re on Twitter, tweeting. It was created by Twitter as a way to categorize messages or to search for a message by simply searching for the hashtag.

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Here’s an example. Your friend is organizing a yoga event. You know the hashtag of the event is #yogaland2013, but you’re not exactly sure of the event name itself. Simply search for the hashtag #yogaland2013 and voilà!, you’ve not only found your friends event, but now you can continue the hashtagging. Not only can hashtags be searched for, they also have the ability to promote and gain some buzz for your event. One strategy that is recommended to keep the buzz going around your event is “live tweeting” or encouraging attendees to hashtag while the event is taking place.

Kristen Morado from Intelligent Lighting Design says, “It is crucial that event organizers integrate social media into their events. It will result in more attendance that will in return create more social media buzz. Think of it as free promotion”!

twitter-new-hashtag-pages-are-for-events-not-brands-c8320d8342When enough Twitter users hashtag any phrase, it has the potential of becoming what is called a “trending topic.” The reason your event should contain a hashtag is because it has the potential of becoming a trending topic on Twitter, as well as creating buzz around the social media world. That way, your event invitation extends out to more people than your circle of friends. In fact, hashtags have become so popular that Facebook has integrated them. Morado says, “Facebook is the most important platform for event organizers. With the highest number of following, Facebook allows the organizer to create events and can be synced to other social media outlets. With Facebook’s option of promoting post and advertisements, the organizer can also decide the number of people reached that posts will receive”.
“It is crucial that event organizers integrate social media into their events. It will result in more attendance that will in return create more social media buzz. Think of it as free promotion”!
Live tweeting with hashtags is only one of many strategies that can be used to build buzz and promote your event. Also, if you’re an organizer and not on Facebook, it is highly recommended! The next event that you organize, consider using some of these strategies and creating hashtags. That’s all we have for you today. If you still have questions, feel free to contact us on Facebook or tweet us! Ticketbud is always here to help. photo credit: romana klee via photopin cc]]]]> ]]>