“Interactive Event Page Editor”! Created to make setting up your event as easy as possible, you can now edit your event in the exact same space it will be displayed. Never play the guessing game again!
Move your mouse over the image below to see the difference between the Editor page and event page itself.

Our “Interactive Event Page Editor” allows you to stay on the same page by making edits as easy as clicking the image or text you want to change. If you want to change the location of your event, for example, simply click on the text and a pop-up window allows you to make that quick change in a matter of seconds!

If you want to add an image to the event, simply upload or drag the photo into the area and the image will automatically load. This enables you to see what you’re doing as you’re doing it, rather than having to wait and then leave the page to see a preview of the changes you’ve made.

In keeping your edits in the same format as your event page, you can quickly get a feel of how your event page will look, making it easier and more efficient to setup your event and start selling tickets! Create a free account on Ticketbud and try our editor in action for yourself!]]]]> ]]>