Facebook Integration Comes to Ticketbud
Facebook event integration! Now, Ticketbud organizers can easily create a Facebook event linked to your Ticketbud event. We’ve got some really interesting features planned for this integration but, for now, this allows organizers to easily promote their events on Facebook and funnel traffic from their Facebook page back to their Ticketbud event, increasing exposure and ticket sales. To use the feature, you’ll need to make sure you’ve signed in using your Facebook account recently. (Don’t worry, if you haven’t, we’ll prompt you for it on your event management page.) Next, go to your My Events page and click on the event you want to integrate with. Next click on the “Facebook” link in the toolbar section on the right: Choose the event you want to send to Facebook and click the “Create Facebook Event” link: Finally, fill in the details of your event as you want them displayed on Facebook. We let you edit your title, location, and event details before sending them (Facebook doesn’t allow events to have HTML in their descriptions). Click “Create” and that’s it! We’ll create a Facebook event for you with all the details of your Ticketbud event, and if you create it on a Facebook page we’ll also link the “Get Tickets” link on Facebook back to your Ticketbud event page. This feature is in beta, so kick the tires on it and see how you like it! If you notice any problems with it, please get in touch with us by emailing cs@ticketbud.com. We’d love to hear your thoughts on it and how we can make it better for you!]]]]> ]]>