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March 5, 2012  •  by Alecia Abigail

The Whiffenpoofs at Altadena Community Church

Get Tickets: The Whiffenpoofs at Altadena Community Church

Event Location: 943 East Altadena Drive, Altadena, CA 91001
When: Friday March 9 2012 8:00pm
Hosted by: The Whiffenpoofs
Learn more, view map & buy tickets

The Whiffenpoofs of Yale University, America’s oldest collegiate a cappella group, will perform a concert at Altadena Community Church on Friday, March 9th at 8:00 PM.  Recently returned from a tour to the southern hemisphere, the Whiffenpoofs of the Class of 2012 became the first class of “Gentlemen Songsters” to visit the seventh continent, Antarctica. ]]]]> ]]>