Things you should bring
Alright Newbies here are a few of the essentials you’ll need to bring along with you.
Carry a Backpack or fanny pack
- Great for aspirin
- Allergy meds
- Sunglasses
- Extra cell phone battery or two
- Cash is king. I wouldn’t recommend you carry over $100 in change at any time.
- Refillable bottle water.
Things to do
These are some of the things that will make your SXSW experience that much more enjoyable.
Stay hydrated. Coke and Alcohol DON’T count. Try Coconut Water
Eat from food truck. When you find the right ones it’s definitely worth it, you won’t regret it.
Create a twitter account and monitor it for SXSW events news and for the most recent updates. Great way to look out for those secret shows
Download the Apps, along with Twitter it’s a great way to keep track of all the events.
RSVP for everything and assume you won’t make it to any of them. Wander around Austin as much as you can. Go see bands you’ve never heard of.
Traffic will suck from noon to midnight. If you brought or rented a car, leave it as far from downtown as you can manage.
There are free buses, look into them. You might be jammed into a stinky bus but it beats paying $40 for a 4 block ride.
Avoid Pedi-cabs, they’re great in concept but they’re expensive and with the crowds and traffic jams not much faster than walking.
Look into renting a bike, or borrowing someones.
Recharge your devices wherever you get the opportunity, there is something about SXSW that seems to suck the life out of batteries faster.
Final and crucial tip, don’t remove any wristbands they could work the next day or for a different event.
SXSW doesn’t have to be an event that you spend lots of money on. Many of the events and parties offer free food and drinks.
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