Trending Events*
March 29, 2011  •  by Jane Carter

Sell Tickets Online: The Advantages

  • Your box office is open 24/7:
  • If you sell tickets online, customers or potential attendees won’t have to wait for a specific time to make a transaction, drive around and find a parking space or make a phone call to purchase your event tickets. Once anyone decides to go for your event, he/she has to just go online, see the event details and make a purchase. This eliminates the risk of having potential guests avoid purchasing a ticket because of an inconvenience that can be easily fixed with the access of internet.
    • Do away with the excessive fees by other ticketing services:
    As an organization, if you use an event ticketing site to sell tickets online, you will not have to give your well deserved proceeds away to other services that take per-ticket fees.  Your guests will also be thankful that you don’t have to pass on any fees to them.  You shouldn’t give more proceeds away as your event grows, you should keep more profits as your event grows.  It isn’t rocket science…
    • Spend your administration time on creating new ideas that progress your event:
    If you sell tickets online free, you will eliminate administrative headaches that come with using other ticket broker methods. No more spending endless hours following or managing ticket sales.  Spend a few minutes setting up your Ticketbud event, market it using our platform for internet and powerful social media application and spend the rest of your time coming up with new ideas, partnerships and incentives for your generous guests.
    • Bring in more proceeds for what you care about:
    Simply put, Ticketbud’ makes everything easier for you as an event host.  We help grow your event, grow your attendee list, grow your exposure and grow your earnings.   We are Technologists…not Pirates.]]]]> ]]>