a run of show keeps everyone working at your event on the same page
Event Management
August 26, 2024  •  by Rachel White

Run of Show Template and Guide

A run of show serves as your event’s blueprint, guiding every aspect of production from start to finish, including activities happening behind the scenes. Below, we offer Ticketbud’s 10-step guide to crafting and drafting your run of show, with a free template to get started. This run of show template will be key to developing a clear, detailed run sheet that keeps everyone on the same page and ensures all aspects of your event are executed flawlessly.

1. Gather Key Information

Before completing the run of show template, take a moment to envision your event and jot down its most important elements in set-up and programming. This will create a bird’s-eye view of what a successful event looks like to you. Include details like:

  • Event Schedule: Confirm the start and end times, along with major segments of the event.
  • Participants: List speakers, performers, and key personnel involved (staff, volunteers, etc).
  • Technical Requirements: Identify AV needs, lighting cues, and other technical elements.
  • Venue Details: Note venue access times, layout, and any restrictions.
  • Event Set-up and Striking: Be aware of any time, equipment or direction needed to set up and strike the venue before and after the event, as well as during important transitions.

2. Break Down the Event into Segments

Use this information to develop your event programming and framework, divided into major segments or transitions. These moments will be anchor points you can use to draft an outline on your run of show template — which you can download now below.

  • Setup: Details on load-in times, setup, and equipment or AV testing.
  • Arrival and Registration: Instructions for welcoming guests and checking them in.
  • Opening: Outline of the opening remarks or performances.
  • Main Program: Detailed schedule of key activities or presentations.
  • Breaks: Timing for intermissions or meal breaks.
  • Closing: Wrap-up activities and final remarks.
  • Breakdown and Clean-up: Any post-event procedures.

3. Download Your Run-of-Show Template

Use Ticketbud’s run of show template to pull together your entire event timeline, including speaker assignments, transition cues, and set-up. Build and modify the template to capture the most important notes and details:

  • Time: Exact times and duration for each segment.
  • Activity: Description of what’s happening.
  • Speakers or Responsible Parties: Who is in charge of each activity.
  • AV Needs: Notes on any lighting, visual, or audio cues.
  • Additional Information and Resources: Supporting files and links to speeches, presentations, etc; or details on set-up configurations and transitions.

4. Assign Responsibilities

Clearly assign tasks to specific individuals or teams. For each segment, identify who is responsible for execution, technical support, and troubleshooting. This clarity helps prevent confusion and ensures accountability.

5. Include Technical Direction and Cues

Provide cues and details on any AV needs or technical enhancements like stage lighting, speakers, teleprompters, and screens. Include supporting links and back-up files — we recommend also arming your AV team with a thumb drive and printed files, in case the wifi goes out.

  • Audio and Visual Cues: When to play specific tracks, videos, or slides; when to utilize microphones.
  • Lighting: Instructions for lighting changes or effects.
  • Stage Management: Cues for bringing speakers and presenters on and off stage.

6. Build in Buffer Time

Plan for contingencies by including buffer times between breaks and segments. This allows for unexpected delays and keeps the event on track. A run of show is internal, so participants will be none the wiser if a 15-minute break becomes 10-minutes due to an issue that has been mitigated behind the scenes.

making sure everyone on your team has reviewed and offered input on the run of show ensures nothing gets left out

7. Coordinate with Your Team and Participants

Share a run-of-show draft with event stakeholders working behind the scenes. And, get their input to ensure all details and responsibilities are clearly understood. Collaboration is key to creating a robust and successful plan. So, reserving time ahead of the event to share and discuss these details with managers, venders, and presenters will help everyone understand their role in pulling together a successful event.

8. Review and Rehearse

Conduct a full review of the run of show and make time to rehearse any key elements. This helps identify potential issues and ensures everyone is on board with the event’s flow, as well as any last-minute changes. Make adjustments to the run-of-show template based on feedback and lessons learned from these activities.

9. Finalize and Distribute

Distribute digital and printed copies of the final run of show document to team members, vendors, and key participants. If your event is more complex, consider individualizing the copies for the recipients with highlighted annotations for quick reference.

Hire or assign and event coordinator to manage the event flow and communicate any changes during the event.

10. Designate an Event Coordinator

Assign a point person or event coordinator to manage adjustments and communicate changes to the team during the event. This person should be an excellent communicator who is adaptable and quick on their feet. The run of show will be their greatest tool in helping ensure your event’s success.


Creating a run of show is a vital to ensuring that every event detail is accounted for, responsibilities are clear, and the event flows smoothly. By downloading Ticketbud’s run of show template from the link above and following the guide, you can comprehensive run of show that will help make your event a success.