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June 23, 2011  •  by Jane Carter

Rise to the Equation with Nassim Haramein

Get Tickets: Rise to the Equation with Nassim Haramein

Event Location: The NeXus, 1414 Harbour Way South, #1010, Richmond, CA 91804
When: Thursday July 14 2011 7:00pm
Hosted by: The NeXus
Learn more, view map & buy tickets


Thursday, July 14  7:00pm – 11:00pm


Rise to the Equation with Nassim Haramein

Journey into the Geometry of Spacetime

Prepare yourself for the rare opportunity to experience a captivating multimedia presentation for laymen and physics enthusiasts alike at The NeXus.

Tickets: Advance $20; Door $25 (if avai…

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