MadeinAustin is selling tickets and connecting innovators!
Austin, Texas is home to some of the most ingenius research and educational universities in the world, and home to one of the fastest growing start-up communities in the world. To help support such creativity and innovation, campus2careers, in association with Capital Factory, Start-up Week, the City of Austin, Tech Ranch, Austin Chambers of Commerce, ATC,, AITP, SBDP, and the Tech Community of Central TX, is excited to host MadeinAustin, a new initiative that will feature the tech talent (degreed) and companies (HQed) made in Austin and will include a website and two fairs annually.
The two fairs will connect local tech start-ups less than 5 years in operation with Engineering, CS, and other tech students for Internships and recent grads for entry-level full-time employment. The first of these exciting fairs, which will include speed interviewing with over 200 tech students and recent grads interested in working for a start-up in Austin, will be on November 29th from 6:00-8:00 pm in the ballroom of the AT&T Conference Center near the campus of The University of Texas.
Ticketbud is ecstatic to be providing online ticketing for such an awesome event in such an amazing town. Campus2careers is selling tickets online for the first fair at the MadeinAustin event page so be sure to grab your chance to meet the best and the brightest in Austin and help "Keep Austin Weird" and, now, a little tech-savvy.]]]]> ]]>