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July 6, 2011  •  by Jane Carter

Join Ticketbud On "The Journey Into the Geometry of Spacetime"

us to do a double take!  Such is the case this week with the physics genius Nassim Haramein’s “Rise to the Equation.” Haramein has received international acclaim for his unique multimedia presentations in which he “guide(s) you on an exhilarating odyssey through humanity’s evolutionary path, exposing the changes necessary to produce an all-encompassing Unified Physics which includes the occurrence of consciousness.”  I could try to explain what that means, but it would be a waste of time, as one of Haramein’s greatest skills is his ability to educate and enthrall both “layman and physics enthusiasts alike.” So if you’ll be in California next week, you better make time for this one-of-a-kind opportunity.  I can’t really imagine that you have something better to do than, “deepening (your) understanding of the interconnectedness of all systems in a grounded and practical manner,” but if you do, then more power to you! Click here to go to the Ticketbud event page and purchase tickets online for this incredible event!  ]]]]> ]]>