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June 30, 2011  •  by Jane Carter

ICNEF Empty Bowls

Get Tickets: ICNEF Empty Bowls

Event Location: Student Union Ballroom, University of North Florida
When: Friday July 29 2011 6:30pm
Hosted by: ICNEF
Learn more, view map & buy tickets


Alhamdulliah, we were able to make 140 clay bowls in the two days we met at the Masjid, and have one more day in July (14th, 2 pm to 4pm) to make some more, inshallah. Jazakallah to all who gave their time and talent in making them. We have an event planned for the 29th of July from 6.30 – 8.00 at Student Union Ballroom in UNF,where these bowls will be on display. ]]]]> ]]>