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January 26, 2011  •  by Jane Carter

Fairfield-Grace United Methodist Church

Get Tickets: Fairfield-Grace United Methodist Church

Event Location: 1089 Fairfield Woods Road, Fairfield, CT 06825
When: Saturday April 2 2011 2:00pm
Hosted by: The Yale Whiffenpoofs
Learn more, view map & buy tickets The Whiffenpoofs will present a 90 minute matinee performance with intermission. Come see the oldest collegiate a cappella group in the country do what they do best! Please note that all advance sales represent a $5 discount off at-the-door prices! Be sure to get yours ahead of time. Additionally, buying in advance guarantees you admission, but not a particular seat (with the exception of Priority tickets, which guarantee a seat in the first two rows). We still recommend you arrive early…
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